After accumulating heavily between May and July, the time to rebalance the ETF portfolio is approaching. It has been a planting year, the partial harvest could come very soon. Despite
Negative quarterly for Google I bought GOOG shares on Friday, we are almost – 50% from the highs of February. Negative quarterly, why? Various reasons, analyzing the company economic balance sheet , we can see
Buy when others are afraid … Warren Buffett said. I have always followed this phrase and have almost always had region, but I dare to say ALWAYS, speaking of ETFs
Excellent quarterly reports for The Walt Disney Company. The strong recovery in tourism in its theme parks has driven the company’s profits with a resounding + 600%. Streaming revenues
Closing of the GAP at the end of April for Amazon, which had lateralized after the split. In a week characterized by a positive reaction from the markets, thanks to
Hello everyone, after a bit of relaxation I’ll be back to update you here and on the various platforms. 2022, as we know and have now metabolized, will be remembered
How deep can hell be? The hard times continue for the company that created Diablo (which knows about hell), which has lost 45% from the highs of February 2021.
Let’s go back to talking about Ethereum, after having hit all the targets in my previous articles. Just click HERE to read them. The long-term picture has not changed, I
From the highs of July, Visa has lost more than 20%. To “complicate” the situation, the news released before the opening of the markets on November 17, namely that Amazon
Despite good earnings, Dropbox shares have lost about 20% from their August highs. The news points in one direction only: several hedge funds have liquidated their positions and often this
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